Tips to Choose the Best Social Media Channels for Your Small Business

Social media marketing [SMM] is potent for not just large but even small businesses. All social media platforms are different. Every channel has its specific set of users, so businesses need to gain familiarity with these distinctions before they invest resources in SMM.

If you assume that creating a business account on every social media platform is a great idea then it will be impossible to stay active on each outlet. Therefore, narrow your choice and choose a few channels, so you stay focused and receive better ROI. 

How to choose the best social media channel suitable for your small business?

Consider business nature

Is your company B2B or B2C? For the former Instagram and Facebook help to visually engage as well as interact with potential consumers. For the latter LinkedIn helps to target existing and new clients as well as allows building personal connections. Every business must use YouTube for interaction and sharing because it is search engine friendly that adds legitimacy to your product. 

Concentrate on the target audience

It is unaffordable for small businesses to fail often, so ensure that the ad budget works hard. Therefore, first get to know your audience and their hangouts. 

Consider target customer’s demographics

Are they young, old, female, or male? Define your target audience’s demographics and narrow the platforms. It helps to pursue the right social media channel because spreading thin and managing multiple channels is not a good idea.

Visit your target consumers hang out

Social media marketing is less about selling but more about connecting and building a relationship with ideal customers. Visit the platform where your defined target audience spends their time. Get familiar with the chosen social platform.

Define goals for a specific audience

Define the goals of the target audience. Obviously, the main aim is to attract customers and drive sales but social media offers opportunities for creative goals like driving brand awareness and building good relationships with prospects. Some use social media platforms to offer customer support. 

E.g. Netflix uses Twitter handle to resolve customer service problems. Thus, their phone lines are kept free and satisfied customers promote the company brand with ease. The benefit of online advertising potentially has no limits, and investing in SMM is a big portion of any business success.

Align social and business goals

Define your social goals and choose a platform. For example, prioritize Instagram if you belong to the travel & hospitality sector for better visual displays. Align social channel benefits with your business goals. 

Competitor’s research

Check the media pages of all your competitors and find out what activity they do and how they engage their followers. You can even find out the social media channel that yields great results for your competitors, so add it to your list. 

Match content with audience and platform

Small businesses make a common mistake of pushing content to available platforms and stretching too thin. Review business goals, decide on the ideal target customer and research the demographics of social media platforms. Open an account on the platform where your content has a chance of making a huge impact.

Choose the right social media channel and see your ROI increase!

Optimize Google Website Speed for Effective SEO

Slow website speed means a loss of conversions and revenue. A few more seconds to load and your capability to keep visitors engaged on your websites to make sales is lost permanently. There is no coming back. It means you need a high-speed site not just to rank well on search engines but also even to keep profits high. 

What’s good page speed?

According to Google, speed below 2 sec is the accessibility limit. Faster is better for a great user experience. 

Low website speed impacts –

  • User experience

If your site takes over 3 seconds to load then more than 50% of your visitors will vanish, leave, or bounce to your competitor’s site. 

  • Conversions

Slow websites destroy conversions and will never recover. If a site takes over 3 sec to load, 50% of users are lost before arriving on your website. Thus, it is a huge dent in your possible conversions. Visitors that stick around will be deterred from returning because of poor site loading performance. 

Google is all about user experience, so page speed has a dramatic impact on search rankings. This can in turn affect your success, so here are some website speed optimization tips to help you enhance speed and user experience simultaneously. 

Website speed optimization tips

Conduct page speed audit

Website speed testing offers a base to conduct optimization. Use tools to check the current speed and identify the page that is struggling with loading issues. 

Compress image sizes

Images account for 75% of page weight, so are responsible for dampening page speed. Compress the existing images using compression tools. While uploading the optimized image ensure that the dimension is not greater than container size.

Remove unnecessary images

An easy way to reduce the weight of a page is to remove unwanted images. 

Trim custom fonts

Custom fonts are appealing as they add plenty of personality to a website. Custom fonts need to be installed on your operating system and add weight to your overall website. Check the number of custom fonts and remove the ones you don’t need.

Minimize the CSS, HTML, and JavaScript files

The CSS, HTML, and JavaScript files are very crucial because they define the appearance of your website. They even add requests made by visitors, so there is a need for minimizing. It helps to reduce request numbers by minimizing each file and total file number. 

Reduce redirects

Each redirect adds valuable seconds to the page speed, so remove unnecessary redirects. Use responsive design instead of using redirects for diverting mobile users towards your mobile website.

Discard your apps

If you have plenty of apps or plugins then this can certainly decrease page speed. There can be apps or plugins that you installed and forgot. Do app audit and uninstall anything you are not using. Ensure not to uninstall plugins and apps that are really improving user experience and website performance. 

Use browser caching

When a visitor comes to our website, assets like the CSS, HTML, style sheets, images, and JavaScript files are downloaded in the browser’s local cache. Use Expires Headers to lessen the HTTP request numbers for the server. 

Apply these effective website speed optimization strategies and improve your SEO!

How to do website speed test?

In the end, get your website tested for loading speed for both mobile and desktop versions. Use Google website speed test, it is a free and accurate resource to get an idea of how fast your site is.

You also can install the Google Lighthouse plugin which is again a convenient plugin to have in your Chrome browser to analyse speed test for your website

Effective PPC Tips To Enhance Your Ad Campaign

PPC or pay-per-click is a digital marketing strategy that is essential for online business growth. This is a different strategy from organic traffic search engine optimization It has proved to be a successful online ad form offering rapid and reliable returns. It even offers search engine visibility and PPC visitors are more likely to convert. Advertisers bid for significant keywords the users use in their search query intending to appear in web pages, user feeds, videos, and more. 

Starting a PPC ad campaign is super simple. You can set it quickly and get running. Open accounts on Google Ad or Microsoft Ad for free and create interesting ads. As soon as, your ads are approved they instantly appear on searches and start driving the result. There is no need to build an audience like in social media marketing but you need to do it correctly for achieving great conversions.

According to studies, an average ROI is 2: 1 for every single dollar spent on PPC ads. If you plan to push beyond this ROI standard then it is time to elevate your PPC performance. It is achievable using these super effective tips.

Remove or adjust ineffective keywords 

Poor-performing keywords dampen the PPC campaign performance. So, look for targeted keywords and remove the ones that are hurting your campaign. Identify the keywords with poor impressions or clicks or conversions. 

Sometimes, you will even find that keyword generates clicks but show no conversions or gets lots of impressions but no clicks. Therefore study the search intent of low-performing keywords and determine whether to tweak the keyword or remove it or add a negative keyword. 

PPC bids optimization

If you are running a PPC campaign for more than 30 days then switch from automated bidding to manual. However, you will need to consistently monitor and manage PPC campaigns daily or weekly. Manual bidding will offer more control than the automated bidding option. 

Campaign data can be used to set competitive keywords bids. For example, you know the amount paid for 1009 impressions or acquisition or a click. Set reminders to monitor the campaign because skipping check-ins can cause under or over-bidding, which can dent your ROI.

Create an interesting landing page

Landing pages a crucial role in PPC performance. Therefore create an appealing, relevant, fast loading, easily navigable, mobile-friendly, and full-functional landing page. The landing page is the location where the users are directed when they click your PPC ad. 

Experiment with a new ad copy

An uninteresting ad copy can break your PPC campaign. So, if you identify a poor-performing ad copy then create a new one to replace it. The copy needs to target customers’ issues including the targeted keyword. Keep track of the performance of this new ad copy. 

Experiment with different descriptions and headlines to see what motivates the target audience to take action after clicking on your ad. Use a responsive ad because you can cater to mobile users and even testing new ad copy is easy.

Invest in professional PPC audit

If your PPC campaign is updated and optimized but there is no enhancement in the performance then invest in professional PPC audits. Review from professionals can offer a new direction to your PPC campaign and enhance its performance. 

The above super effective tips can take your PPC campaign success to a new level!

Internal Linking Strategy For Exclusive SEO

Every website has internal as well as external links. The former connects posts and pages within your website, while the latter connects pages with other sites. Before your content gains ranking, it will need links. Search engines find your pages and posts best when they are linked to. Internal links connect your website pages. In internal linking, the source and target domain is the same. 

Internal linking purpose

  • Helps in navigating the website.
  • Defines websites framework and hierarchy.
  • Distributes the page authority & ranking power across the website.

Internal linking reinforces the overall SEO value of your website by offering clear routes to the crawlers, prolongs users’ sessions, and knits the web pages & posts tighter. 

Links are crucial to Google because

  • It can understand the relationship and relevancy between various posts, pages, and other content. 
  • The homepage has the highest backlinks and Google divides link value across the web page it is linked to. Therefore, your new post achieves more link value when it is connected with the home page rather than just a category page. 
  • Link value is passed on. More links = more value. This enhances your possibility to rank high.

Internal linking strategy for exclusive SEO

Create plenty of content

Have plenty of internal pages created to build abundant internal links. So, plan a solid content marketing strategy. Lots of content means plenty of linkable matter. It will look like a web with lots of links directing towards helpful content.

Choose long-tailed keywords to make your internal linking seem natural. For example, you created a post – ‘How to choose wristwatches. Now, you can use keywords like underwater watches or diving watches, or digital watches as your main keyword and interlink the pages.

Apply anchor text

To keep the internal linking theme of your content consistent use anchor text rather than image links. They are good provided they are not the links primary source and are properly alt-tagged. Use the fragments of a sentence as anchor text. Just highlight it and link it!

Use links from the user’s viewpoint

Internal linking enhances user engagement. When a user finds an informative link that matches the content context they will possibly click. If the link is internal then the user will stay longer on your website and enjoy the experience. Linking internally reveals to the search engine that the target link is relevant and crucial for users. 

Use relevant links

Avoid linking to random pages but content related to source context. For example, if you write a page about dog food then linking it to a page about cat’s habits & routines is not a good idea. There is no connection between cats’ habits and dog’s food. They are not linkable. However, if you had a page of cat’s food then you could link it internally with the habits & routine articles. The link will be relevant as the content are similar. 

Use internal links reasonably

Keep links to a reasonable number. Experts suggest around 3 to 4 depending on post length. There is no golden number but choose a number that is helpful to users. 

Internal linking thus helps users, search engines, and even SEO!

Social media marketing is the way to promote your business

Social media is no longer a system of platforms for personal communication. It is now being utilzied by businesses across the world to grow their brand and succeed in attaining as many loyal customers as possible. Social media marketing has helped businesses expand overseas and other create more personable relationships with their customers. 

Therefore, it is important to understand what social media marketing (SMM) is and how to improve it.

What Social Media Marketing Can Do For You

Social media marketing works by implementing social media platforms into your business to create discussions, create hype behind their products/services, and increase their brand awareness and social media presence.

To succeed in SMM, there are some things to know. 

First, you will need to create a strategy whereby you need to decide what your goals are, which platforms you wish to use, and what type of content to share. Of which, SMM services can provide you with that. Thereafter, you will need to plan and publish your content to your audience. From there, you can engage with your customers so that you increase awareness and build connections. Analyzing the performance of your social media marketing will ensure that you spend more time and money on the areas that help you attain the most customers and success.

How To Improve Your SMM

To improve your social media marketing, here are some key tips:

Set your own unique personal business goals

Every business is different and has their own unique selling point. Therefore, every business should have their own unique personal goals. You might want to focus on attaining double the amount of regular customers, which is then why you should set a goal of maintaining communication with new and current customers and offering great customer service.

Research your audience

It is most effective to share yoru social media marketing content with the right people. Every brand has their own main audience, which are those who will generate the most leads and sales for your business. Researching your audience will ensure that you share and market your business the right way. 

Create engaging content

The most engaging content will attract the most customers, which is most businesses aim. Therefore, you must ensure to take your time to create engaging content. The more multimedia you implement, the more visualling appealing it will be. For example, using plain text won’t stand out against a brand using visual videos or imagery on social media. Therefore, make sure to share visual content that will draw in the most customers. 

Use your time wisely

Social media marketing can take up a lot of time. You won’t want to use your entire working day on social media marketing as you will have other areas of the business to focus on. Therefore, use your time wisely by dedicating certain times of the day to create content and then use automation tools so that you can schedule your content. This will reduce your manual publishing time and still ensure that your social media content is consistent. 

Reasons to fix 404 error for website

How 404 Errors Can Dampen Your SEO Efforts?

A 404 error is a way of telling users that the URL they are looking for is ‘Not Found’. It is the page a server displays when it cannot locate the URL requested by users. These error pages are common internet annoyances, which are unavoidable. 

Are 404 errors troublesome for SEO?

Usually, any experienced agency should be able to find and fix the 404 errors as a part of internal website optimization when they do a full website scan during an SEO audit. The impact of error pages on your SEO efforts depends on why they occur or in which situation they turn up. Some critical situations are :

Broken internal links

404 error page pops up when a URL was linked incorrectly or does not exist now. Broken links offer poor user experience, hinders search bots crawling abilities, and compromises your website’s integrity. 

The solution is to periodically, scrutinize your website for broken internal links using specific software. 

Soft 404 errors

It occurs when a non-existing URL returns 200 status codes. When you order pizza and they serve you an empty plate rather than telling you that they are sold out. Soft 404 errors are an issue as search engines don’t stop crawling and indexing the non-existing page. It is a waste of their time!

404s without customized error page

Users feel frustrated when they see an error page but you can soften this irritation by creating a customized 404 error page. It will help to reclaim the potentially lost customers. A creative customized 404 error page encourages the user to visit your site and look for information they came in search for. The customized error page must have a link to relevant resources and a clear error message along with an apology. 

The optimized error page includes –

  • Simplified navigation version helping users steer across your site. 
  • A search box that encourages the user to discover new content on your site.
  • In some situations include contact details.
  • Maintain consistent branding. 

Creating customized 404 pages will reduce keep visitors on your site and reduce the bounce rate. They will leave your site feeling good and optimistic after the confrontation of 404s. 

Links to add to the 404s include –

  • Homepage
  • Popular blog posts
  • Contact page
  • HTML sitemap

Adding search functions and links will help enhance the site conversion rate!

Old or obsolete pages

Web page content becomes outdated and is removed from the website. It is normal and expected. Dealing with 404s is a harmonizing act. Too many 404s signal quality issues, while it is taxing and impractical to fight the occurrence of every 404 page.

If the 404 page holds significant traffic volume or has acknowledged quality backlinks then apply 301 redirects towards a URL that is relevant and serves users’ intent the best. If the page has no quality backlinks or qualified traffic, then allow 404. 

When not to use 404s……

Sometimes, you don’t desire to serve 404 pages for a URL that does not exist now. Redirect pages having lots of external links and receive plenty of traffic. Replace those pages with 301 redirects to transfer the link juice and traffic to the more useful but relevant page. The destination URL used for redirects has to reveal legitimate replacement content. 

Comparing redirect 301 vs 302

Which Redirect Is Better – 301s or 302s?

Every website needs to remove, change and combine URLs, so redirects are applied. Redirects are crucial as it ensures that users don’t get lost or end up in the dark alley. Redirects even matter in SEO because search engine algorithms make use of links and URLs to define relevancy and ranking. 

Backlink quality to which the web page is connected can have a huge effect on SEO because it can help to build the authority of URL. More links pointing to a page signals search engines that the quality is high, so they rank it on top. Nevertheless, when the URL is changed or the page is deleted it can negatively impact the organic traffic. 

Impact of redirects on SEO

The effect can be positive or negative depending on several factors. However, redirects offer search engines and users a direction to the destination URL instead of leaving them in a dark alley. If possible maintain link as-is to preserve keyword association and SEO ranking, it has in indexing. A unique page URL is used to identify the page for indexing and if the URL changes it becomes hard for search engine bots to recognize the canonical location.

Websites that rank well for valuable keywords will lose their ranking if they keep 404s. Even the page will be eliminated from the index along with the link juice and traffic volume attached to it. Redirects the URLs to a specific destination page with relevant or closest matching content, so that LSI association and keyword ranking are preserved. 

When to use 301 and 302 redirect options?

301 redirect

It is used when the URL or page migrates permanently to a new location. A new URL replaces the old page and this change is visible in search engine results.

A 301 redirect is appropriate when –

  • Links of outdated URLs need to be transferred to the desired page.
  • Several URLs are used to access, so choose a single one as a canonical and preferred destination for 301 redirects.
  • Seamless website migration to a new domain name.
  • Migration from HTTP to HTTPS. 

301 redirects pass all the link equity to your new page. 

302 redirects

It is a temporary status code that directs search engines and users to the desired page but for a limited time until removed.

The best situation to apply 302s is for –

  • Receiving feedback from clients on a new URL without damaging site ranking.
  • A/B testing for web page design or functionality.
  • Broken internal link and you desire to maintain a good user experience.
  • Webpage revamps while offering viewers a consistent experience.

Which is better – 301s or 302s?

According to Matt Cutts, 301 redirects don’t cause link equity loss even though some skeptics claim a loss of 15%. The use of 302s will not impact page authority, PageRank, and traffic value. However, the wrong use of 302s can cause a misunderstanding and badly affect search engine visibility. 

Each redirect aims to resolve different situations. For permanent change that will help SEO use 301 redirect, which search engine understands. For temporary changes only use 302 redirects because it is easy to create than permanent 301s. Use redirects wisely!

Reason To Use Meta Description

Meta Description – Reasons To Use And How To Write?

Meta description defines your page relevance. It is an HTML tag, which is set for a website post or page. It offers a chance to influence the search engine users that the page offers the information they came in search for. On Google’s search result page, the Meta description is visible beneath the title of your page. 

Reasons to use Meta description

The aim is straightforward. When seekers come in search with a keyword they type on Google then they are served with organic results including the Meta description. Meta-description allows generating click-through organically from search engines. If you are unfortunate, Google will not display Meta description but as there is a possibility it is always worthy to add it to your web page or post.

Besides, Google does not use Meta description in its indexing algorithm, so there are no direct benefits to your SEO. However, the CTR or click-through rate due to Meta description is the indirect benefit. More people clicking on your link will signal Google about your credibility and your ranking will ascend. Therefore, Meta description optimization is crucial along with titles. 

What is considered a great Meta description?

Keep it concise

There is no standard rule for the right length, but it depends on your message. Take sufficient space to transfer your message across but in a short way. You will find that generally, the snippets hold 120 – 156 characters, so stay in between. 

Use an active voice that influences

Ensure that the description you write is not dull, too cryptic, or hard to understand. People reading must know what they can find on your web page or post. Write a description in active voice and is motivating as it addresses users’ pain points. Users know what they will get if they clicked on that link.

Include CTA [Call-to-action]

A meta description is a sales pitch in writing. You are trying to sell a page linked rather than a product. Use phrases like try for free, learn more, and get it now, these work!

Use targeted keywords

If the Meta description includes the targeted keyword then Google will use it as well as highlight it in search results. Your website links are too inviting. Sometimes, Google even highlights synonyms, which makes them more prominent.

If possible show specifications

For tech-savvy users, focus on technical aspects. E.g. include SKU, manufacturer, price, and more. If the seeker is precisely searching that product, you will not need to convince them. 

Ensure description matches page content

Google bots are smart and will identify if you are using Meta description as a hoax to receive clicks. You may even get penalized. Misleading descriptions can even lead to a bounce rate increase that lowers business integrity. Therefore, make sure that the page content is relevant to the Meta description and vice versa. 

Create a unique Meta description

If the Meta description of every page is the same then user experience is hindered. The page title will differ but with the same description, every page will appear similar. Write unique Meta descriptions making each page appear exclusive and will rank well on search engines.

Meta Title Tags

Understand the Importance of Meta Title Tags – Does It Help SEO?

Meta tags are HTML features that define the web page for seekers and search engines. These features are used as tags in <head> segment of HTML document. The features include a title tag and Meta description. 

The title tag tells the visitors and search engines an idea of what to expect on a given web page or post on your site. It is revealed in a concise but accurate way.

The title appears in different places across the web including –

  • Your web browser tab. 
  • Pulled in as anchor text when shared on social media and other websites.
  • In search engine results….highlighted as a blue link.

How to add a title tag?

  • Add title tag in your websites HTML’s <head> segment. 
  • The majority of CMS or content management systems add in general settings.
  • If SEO plugin is used add to SEO title section.
  • When you write an article, the headline will automatically get added as a title tag.

Why Meta title tags are essential?

The Meta title tag is the boldest and most noticeable element in search results. It plays a crucial role in determining whether the seeker will click or not.

According to Google, it is not a direct ranking algorithm but its indirect advantages can help to enhance your position. Metadata is a summary of the web page content that engages the seekers to click-through and visit your site. If you show an informative and convincing Meta title & description, more and more seekers will possibly click through. Search engine like Google appreciates CTR [click through rates] and assumes your website offers best user experience. Therefore Google moves your site upwards in the result page. 

How to write clickable Meta titles?

From an SEO perspective, include all the keywords you plan to rank for. The most crucial in the start followed by second most crucial and finally your business name.

Make sure you are writing title tags for people and not search engines. The tag must be optimized for search engines but make sense to people and seems authentic.

Checklist for title tag optimization

  • Length – 50 to 60 characters including the spaces.
  • Placement of keywords – Main keyword + secondary keyword.
  • Brand name – Keep brand name at the title tags end if it is not included in crucial keyword phrases.
  • Relevant – Ensure that the description is relevant to page content.
  • Avoid duplicate title tags – Write every title tag uniquely suitable to every page. Never duplicate title tags as this can badly impact search visibility.
  • Avoid stuffing keywords – stuffing keyword is a bad practice and can invite penalties.
  • Create headline different from title tag – Different keyword wording of a page increases its chance to appear on different search intent. 

Title tag examples

Good – Best Pizzas in America: 9 Yummy Topping You Don’t Desire To Miss

All three keywords are at the start of the title tag followed by an appealing headline. ‘Toppings’ is used smartly to avoid repetition and keep character limits to 60.

Bad – Pizzaland | America’s Best Pizzas

The crucial keywords and brand name are at the end of the title tag. The headline lacks a description. There is nothing persuasive to make users click. Such title tags are buried in the back pages of Google SERP. 

Meta title tags and description communicate with search engines and people as well as is crucial for SEO!

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